Kayanne, H., Aoki, K., Suzuki, T., Hongo, C., Yamano, H., Ide, Y., Iwatsuka, Y., Takahashi, K., Katayama, H., Sekimoto, T., Isobe, M.: Eco-geomorphic processes that maintain a small coral reef island: Ballast Island in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Geomorphology 271, 84-93 (2016). |
Fujita, K., Otomaru, M., Lopati, P., Hosono, T., Kayanne, H.: Shell productivity of the large benthic foraminifer Baculogypsina sphaerulata, based on the population dynamics in a tropical reef environment. Coral Reefs, doi: 10.1007/s00338-015-1375-y (2015). |
Yamamoto, S., Kayanne, H., Tokoro, T., Kuwae, T., Watanabe, A.: Total alkalinity flux in coral reefs estimated from eddy covariance and sediment pore-water profiles. Limnol. Oceanogr., 60, 229-241 (2015). |
岩塚雄大・琴浦 毅・片山裕之・田島芳満・茅根 創:サンゴ礫による地形変化の基礎的検討. 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), 71, I_517-I_522 (2015). |
Takahashi, K., Katayama, H., Iwatsuka, Y., Sekimoto, T., Suzuki, T., Kayanne, H., Isobe, M.: The topographic change mechanism of coral cays. Proceedings of 34th Conference on Coastal Engineering, 34, sediment.86 doi: org/10.9753/ice.v34.sediment.86 (2014). |
Fujita, K., Nagamine, S., Ide, Y., Umezawa, Y., Hosono, T., Kayanne, H., Yamano, H.: Distribution of large benthic foraminifers around a populated reef island: Fongafale Island, Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu. Marine Micropaleontology, 113, 1-9 (2014). |
Harii, S., Hongo, C., Ishihara, M., Ide, Y., Kayanne, H.: Impacts of multiple disturbances on coral communities at Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan, during a 15 year survey. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 509, 171-180 doi: 10.3354/meps10890 (2014). |
Yasukochi, T., Kayanne, H., Yamaguchi, T., Yamano, H.: Sedimentary facies and Holocene depositional processes of Laura Isaland, Majuro Atoll. Geomorphplogy, 222, 59-67 (2014) |
Tokoro, T., Hosokawa, S., Miyoshi, E., Tada, K., Watanabe, K., Montani, S., Kayanne, H., Kuwae, T.: Net uptake of atmospheric CO2 by coastal submerged aquatic vegetation. Global Change Biology 20, 1873-1884 (2014). |
Hosono, T., Lopati, P., Makolo, F., Kayanne, H.: Mass culturing of living sands (Baculogypsina sphaerulata) to protect island coasts against sea-level rise. Jour. Sea Res., 90, 121-126 (2014). |
Fujita, M., Ide, Y., Sato, D., Kench, P. S., Kuwahara, Y., Yokoki, H., Kayanne, H.: Heavy metal contamination of coastal lagoon sediments: Fongafale Islet, Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu. Chemosphere, 95, 628-634 (2014). |
Takahashi, K., Katayama, H., Iwatsuka, Y., Sekimoto, T., Suzuki, T., Kayanne, H., Isobe, M.: The topographic change mechanism of coral cays. Proceedings of 34th Conference on Coastal Engineering, 34, sediment.86 doi: org/10.9753/ice.v34.sediment.86 (2014). |
片山裕之・高橋研也・関本恒浩・茅根 創・磯部雅彦:急勾配リーフ上のサンゴ礁州島形成・維持過程の研究.土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),70, I_726-I_730 (2014). |
Hosono, T., Lopati, P., Kayanne, H.: Estimation of the growth pattern of Baculogypsina sphaerulata (Foraminifera) in a tropical environment using a floating chamber method. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 448, 156-161 (2013). |
Fujita, M., Suzuki, J., Sato, D., Kuwahara, Y., Yokoki, H., Kayanne, H.: Anthropogenic impacts on water quality of the lagoonal coast of Fongafale Islet, Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu. Sustainability Science, 8, 381-390 (2013). |
Kayanne, H., Hongo, C., Okaji, K., Ide, Y., Hayashibara, T., Yamamoto, H., Mikami, N., Onodera, K., Ootsubo, T., Takano, H., Tonegawa, M., Maruyama, S.: Low species diversity of hermatypic corals on an isolated reef, Okinotorishima, in the northwestern Pacific. Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies, 14, 73-95 (2012). |
Hosono, T., Fujita, K., Kayanne, H.: Estimating photophysiological condition of endosymbiont-bearing Baculogypsina sphaerulata based on the holobiont color represented in CIE L*a*b* color space. Marine Biology, 159, 2663-2673 (2012). |
岩塚 雄大・片山 裕之・関本 恒浩・青木 健次・茅根 創・磯部 雅彦:急勾配リーフ上のサンゴ礁州島形成メカニズムに関する研究.土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),68, I_476-I_480 (2012). |
S. Inoue, H. Kayanne, S. Yamamoto, H. Kurihara : Spatial community shift from hard to soft corals in acidified water. Nature Climate Change, 10.1038/NCLIMATE1855 |
Yamamoto, S., Kayanne, H., Terai, M., Watanabe, A., Kato, K., Negishi, A. and Nozaki, K.: Threshold of carbonate saturation state determined by CO2 control experiment. Biogeoscience, 9, 1441-1450 (2012). |
Dadhich, A. P., Nadaoka, K., Yamamoto, T. and Kayanne, H.: Detecting coral bleaching using high-resolution satellite data analysis and 2-dimensional thermal model simulation in the Ishigaki fringing reef, Japan. Coral Reefs, 31, 425-439 (2012). |
Nakamura, N., Kayanne, H., Iijima, H., McClanahan, T. R., Behera, S. K. and Yamagata, T.: Footprints of IOD and ENSO in the Kenyan coral record. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L24708, doi:10.1029/2011GL049877 (2011). |
Baioumy, H. M., Kayanne, H. and Tada, R.: Record of Holocene aridification (6000-7000 BP) in Egypt (NE Africa): Authigenic carbonate minerals from lake Qarun. Quaternary International, 245, 170-177 (2011). |
Kayanne, H., Yasukochi, T., Yamaguchi, T., Yamano, H. and Yoneda, M.: Rapid settlement of Majuro Atoll, central Pacific, following its emergence at 2000 years CalBP. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L20405, doi:10.1029/2011GL049163 (2011). |
Nakamura, R., Ando, W., Yamamoto, H., Kitano, M., Sato, A., Nakamura, M., Kayanne, H. and Omori, M.: Corals mass-cultured from eggs and transplanted as juveniles to their native, remote coral reef. Marine Ecol. Progress Ser., 436, 161-168 (2011). |
Malik, J. N., Shishikura, M., Echigo, T., Ikeda, Y., Satake, K., Kayanne, H., Sawai, Y., Murty, C. V. R. and Dikshit, O.: Geologic evidence for two pre-2004 earthquakes during recent centuries near Port Blair, South Andaman Island, India. Geology, 39, 559-562 (2011). |
Inoue, S., Kayanne, H., Matta, N., Chen, W. S. and Ikeda, Y.: Holocene uplifted coral reefs in Lanyu and Lutao Islands to the southeast of Taiwan. Coral Reefs, 30, 581-592 (2011). |
Hongo C and Kayanne H, Key species of hermatypic coral for reef formation in the northwest Pacific during Holocene sea-level change,Marine Geology 279:162-177(2011) |
Baioumy, H. M., Kayanne, H. and Tada, R.: Reconstruction of lake-level and climate changes in Lake Qarun, Egypt, during the last 7000 years. Journal of Great Lake Research, 36, 318-327 (2010). |
本郷宙軌「琉球列島喜界島の完新世サンゴ礁段丘における海面安定期と優占造礁サン ゴについて」,『地学雑誌』119:860-871,Report(2010b) |
Osawa, Y.・Fujita, K.・ Umezawa Y.・ Kayanne, H., Ide, Y., Nagaoka, T., Miyajima, T. and Yamano, H.: Human impacts on large benthic foraminifers near a densely populated area of Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Marine Pollution Bull., in press (2010) |
Harii S, Yamamoto M, Hoegh-Guldberg O, The relative contribution of dinoflagellate photosynthesis and stored lipids to the survivorship of symbiotic larvae of the reef-building corals. in press (2010) |
Diaz-Pulido G., Harii S, McCook LJ, Hoegh-Guldberg O, The impact of benthic algae on the settlement of a reef-building coral. Coral Reefs 29:203-208 (2010) |
Hongo C and Kayanne H「Holocene sea-level record from corals: Reliab ility of paleodepth indicators at Ishigaki Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan」, 『Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology』, 287:143-151,Original paper (2010b). |
本郷宙軌「サンゴ礁と造礁サンゴを用いた完新世の高精度海面変動復元にむ けて」,『地学雑誌』:119:1-16,Review paper (2010). |
Hongo C and Kayanne H「Relation between species diversity and reef gr owth in the Holocene at Ishigaki Island, Pacific Ocean」,『Sedimentary Geol ogy』223:86-99, Original paper (2010a). |
Nakamura, N., Kayanne, H., Iijima, H., McClanahan, T. R., Behera, S. K. and Yamagata, T.: Mode shift in the Indian Ocean climate under global warming stress. Geophysical Res. Lett.36, L23708, doi:10.1029/2009GL040590 (2009) [AGU Journal Highlight]. |
Yamaguchi, T., Kayanne, H. and Yamano, H.: Archaeological investigation of the landscape history of an oceanic atoll: Majuro, Marshall Islands. Pacific Science, 63, 537-565 (2009). |
Rodriguez-Lanetty M, Harii S, Hoegh-Guldberg O. Early molecular responses of coral larvae to hyperthermal stress. Mol Ecol:18 5101-5114 (2009) |
Hongo, C. and Kayanne, H.: Holocene coral reef development under windward and leeward locations at Ishigaki Islands, Japan. Sedimentary Geology, 214, 62-73, Original paper (2009). |
Fujita, K., Osawa, Y., Kayanne, H., Ide, Y. and Yamano, H.: Distribution and sediment production of large benthic foraminifers on reef flats of the Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Coral Reefs, 28, 29-45 (2009). |
中山裕郎・飯嶋寛子・中村修子・茅根 創: GSJ炭酸塩標準物質(JCp-1, JCt-1)の炭素および酸素安定同位体比.地質調査研究報告,59, 461-466 (2008). |
Tokoro, T., Kayanne, H., Watanabe, A., Nadaoka, K., Tamura, H., Nozaki, K., Kato, K. and Negishi, A.: High gas-transfer velocity in coastal regions with high energy-dissipation rates. Jour. Gophys. Res., 113, C11006, doi:10.1029/2007JC004528 (2008). |
桑原祐史・横木裕宗・佐藤大作・山野博哉・茅根 創:ツバル国フナフチ環礁における沿岸域土地被覆変化の解析.沿岸域学会誌,21(2), 21-32(2008). |
Murase, T., Tanaka, M., Tani, T., Miyashita, Y., Ohkawa, N., Ishiguro, S., Suzuki, Y., Kayanne, H. and Yamano, H.: A photogrammetric correction procedure for light refraction effects at a two-mediumboundary. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 74, 1129-1136 (2008). |
Uchida, A., Nishizawa, M., Shirai, K., Iijima, H., Kayanne, H., Takahata, N. and Sano, Y.: High sensitivity measurement of nitrogen isotopic ratios in coral skeletons from Palau, western Pacific: temporal resolution and seasonal variation of nitrogen sources. Geochemical J. 42,255-262 (2008). |
Miyajima, T., Hata, H., Umezawa, Y., Kayanne, H. and Koike, I.: Distribution and partitioning of nitrogen and phosphorus in a fringing reef lagoon of Ishigaki Island, Northwest Pacific. Marine Ecol. Progr. Ser., 341, 45-57 (2007). |
Miyajima, T., Tanaka, Y., Koike, I., Yamano, H. and Kayanne, H.: Evaluation of spatial correlation between nutrient exchange rates and benthic biota in a reef-flat ecosystem by GIS-assisted flow tracking method. J. Oceanogr. 63, 643-659 (2007). |
Yamano, H., Kayanne, H., Yamaguchi, T., Kuwahara, Y., Yokoki, H., Shimazaki, H., and Chikamori, M.: Atoll island vulnerability to flooding and inundation revealed by historical reconstruction: Fongafale Islet, Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu. Global and Planetary Change, 57, 407-416 (2007). |
Morimoto, M., Kayanne, H., Abe, O. and McCulloch, M.T.: Intensified mid-Holocene Asian monsoon recorded in corals from Kikai Island, subtropical northwestern Pacific. Quaternary Res., 67, 204-214 (2007). |
Kayanne, H., Ikeda, Y., Echigo, T., Shishikura, M., Kamataki, T., Satake, K., Malik, J. N., Basir, S. R., Chakrabortty, G. K. and Ghosh Roy, A. K.: Coseismic and postseismic creep in the Andaman Islands associated with the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L01310, doi: 10.1029/2006GL028200 (2007)[AGU Journal Highlight]. |
Tanaka, Y. and Kayanne, H.: Relationship of species composition of tropical seagrass meadows to multiple physical environmental factors. Ecological Research, 22, 87-96, doi: 10.1007/s11284-006-0189-3 (2007). |
Tokoro, T., Watanabe, A., Kayanne, H., Nadaoka, K., Tamura, H., Nozaki, K., Kato, K., and Negishi, A.: Measurement of air-water CO2 transfer at four coastal sites using a chamber method. J. Marine Systems, 66, 140-149 (2007). |
織田志保・茅根 創・白井厚太朗・高畑直人・佐野有司:サンゴ骨格中のSr/Ca, Mg/Ca比測定-ICP-AES, SIMS, EPMA分析法の評価-.地球化学,40, 231-238 (2006). |
Kayanne, H., Iijima, H., Nakamura, N., McClanahan, T. R., Behera, S. and Yamagata, T.: Indian Ocean Dipole index recorded in Kenyan coral annual density bands. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L19709, L19709, doi:10.1029/2006GL027168 (2006). |
Yamano, H., Shimazaki, H., Matsunaga, T., Ishoda, A., McClennen, C., Yokoki, H.,Fujita, K., Osawa, Y., and Kayanne, H.: Evaluation of various satellite sensors for waterline extraction in a coral reef environment: Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Geomorphology, 82, 398-411, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.06.003 (2006). |
Watanabe, A., Kayanne, H., Hata, H., Kudo, S., Nozaki, K., Kato, K., Negishi, A., Ikeda, Y.,and Yamano, H.: Analysis of the seawater-CO2 system in the barrier reef-lagoon system of Palau using total alkalinity-dissolved inorganic carbon diagrams. Limnol. Oceanogr., 51(4), 1614-1628 (2006). |
Kayanne, H., Hata, H., Kudo, S., Yamano, H., Watanabe, A., Ikeda, Y., Nozaki, K., Kato, K., Negishi, A. and Saito, H.: Seasonal and bleaching-induced changes in coral reef metabolism and CO2 flux. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 19 (3) GB3015, doi:10.1029/2004GB002400 (2005). |
Kayanne, H., Hirota, M. Yamamuro, M. and Koike, I.: Nitrogen fixation of filamentous cyanobacteria in a coral reef measured using three different methods. Coral Reefs, 24 (2) 197-200 (2005). |
Yokoki, H., Yamano, H., Kayanne, H., Sato, D., Minami, Y., Ando, S., Shimazaki, H., Yamaguchi, T., Chikamori, M., Ishoda, A. and Takagi, H.: Comparison between longshore sediment transport due to waves and long-term shoreline change in Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Global Environmental Res., 9 (1), 21-26 (2005). |
Yamaguchi, T., Kayanne, H., Yamano, H., Najima, Y., Chikamori, M. and Yokoki, H.: Excavation of pit-agriculture landscape on Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands, and its implication. Global Environmental Res., 9 (1), 27-36 (2005). |
Iijima, H., Kayanne, H., Morimoto, M. and Abe, O.: Interannual sea surface salinity changes in the western Pacific from 1954 to 2000 based on coral isotope analysis. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L04608, doi:10.1029/2004GL022026 (2005). |
Hata, H., Kudo, S., Muramoto, A., Nozaki, K., Kato, K., Negishi, A., Saito, H., Yamano, H., Watanabe, A. and Kayanne, H.: The appliction of pH and pCO2 monitoring to estimating the rates of coral reef community metabolism. Galaxea JCRS, 6, 21-42 (2004). |
Morimoto, M., Kitagawa, H., Shibata, Y., Kayanne, H.: Seasonal radiocarbon variation of surface seawater recorded in a coral from Kikai Island, subtropical northwestern Pacific. Radiocarbon, 46 (2), 643-648 (2004). |
Watanabe, A., Kayanne, H., Nozaki, K., Kato, K., Negishi, A., Kudo, S., Kimoto, H., Tsuda, M., and Dickson, A.G.: A rapid, precise potentiometric determination of total alkalinity in seawater by a newly developed flow-through analyzer. designed for coastal region. Marine Chemistry, 85 (1-2), 75-87 (2004). |
Harii, S. and Kayanne, H.: Larval dispersal, recruitment and adult distribution of the brooding stony octocoral Heliopora coerulea on Ishigaki Island, southwest Japan. Coral Reefs, 22, 188-196 (2003). |
Yamano, H., Abe, O., Matsumoto, E., Kayanne, H., Yonekura, N., and Blanchon, P.: Influence of wave energy on Holocene coral-reef development: an example from Ishigaki Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Sedimentary Geol., 159, 27-41 (2003). |
Yamamuro, M., Kayanne, H. and Yamano, H.: δ15N of seagrass leaves for monitoring anthropogenic nutrient increases in coral reef ecosystems. Marine Pollution Bull., 46, 452-458 (2003). |
Adachi, H., Yamano, H., Kayanne, H., Matsuda, F., and Tsuji, Y.: A portable, electrical-based percussion coring system for use in deep water. J. Sedimentary Res., 72, 727-730 (2002). |
Harii, S. and Kayanne, H.: Larval settlement of corals in flowing water using a racetrack flume. Marine Technology Soc. J., 36 (1), 76-79 (2002). |
Harii, S., Kayanne, H., Takigawa, H., Hayashibara, T. and Yamamoto, M.: Larval survivorship, competency periods and settlement of two brooding corals, Heliopora coerulea and Pocillopora damicornis. Marine Biol., 141, 39-46 (2002). |
Hata, H., Kudo, S., Yamano, H., Kurano, N. and Kayanne, H.: Organic carbon flux in Shiraho coral reef (Ishigaki Island, Japan). Marine Ecol. Progr. Ser., 232, 129-140 (2002). |
Kayanne, H., Yamano, H. and Randall, R. H.: Holocene sea level changes and barrier reef formation on an oceanic island, Palau Islands, western Pacific. Sedimentary Geol., 150, 47-60 (2002). |
Kayanne, H., Harii, S., Ide, Y. and Akimoto, F.: Recovery of coral populations after the 1998 bleaching on Shiraho Reef, in the southern Ryukyus, NW Pacific. Marine Ecol. Progr. Ser., 239, 93-103 (2002). |
Kayanne, H., Hata, H., Nozaki, K., Kato, K., Negishi, A., Saito, H., Yamano, H., Isamu, T., Kimoto, H., Tsuda, M., Akimoto, F., Kawate, K. and Iwata, I.: Submergible seawater pCO2 measurement system on a shallow sea floor. Marine Technology Soc. J., 36 (1), 23-28 (2002). |
Kimoto, H., Nozaki, K., Kudo, S., Kato, K. Negishi, A., and Kayanne, H.: Achieving high time-resolution with a new flow-through type analyzer for total inorganic carbon in seawater. Analytical Sci., 18, 247-253 (2002). |
Morimoto, M., Abe, O., Kayanne, H., Kurita, N., Matsumoto, E. and Yoshida, N.: Salinity records for the 1997-98 El Nino from Western Pacific corals. Geophys. Res. Lett., 29 (12), 10.1029/2001GL013521 (2002). |
Suzumura, M., Miyajima, T., Hata, H., Umezawa, Y., Kayanne, H. and Koike, I.: Cycling of phosphorus maintains the production of microphytobenthic communities in carbonate sediments of a coral reef. Limnol. Oceanogr., 47, 771-781 (2002). |
Umezawa, Y., Miyajima, T., Yamamuro, M., Kayanne, H. and Koike, I.: Fine scale mapping of land-derived nitrogen in coral reefs by δ15N in macroalgae. Limnol. Oceanogr., 47, 1405-1416 (2002). |
Umezawa, Y., Miyajima, T., Koike, I. and Kayanne, H.: Significance of groundwater nitrogen discharge into coral reefs at Ishigaki Island, southwest of Japan. Coral Reefs, 21, 346-356 (2002). |
Yamano, H., Kayanne, H., Matsuda, F., and Tsuji, Y.: Lagoonal facies, ages, and sedimentation in three atolls in the Pacific. Marine Geol., 185, 233-247 (2002). |
Kimoto, H., Kayanne, H., Kudo, S., Nozaki, K., Negishi, A., and Kato, K.: A high time-resolution analyzer for total alkalinity of seawater, based on continuous potentiometric measurement. Analytical Sci. 17 Supplement Issue, 1415-1418 (2001). |
Yamamoto, M., Kayanne, H. and Yamamuro, M.: Characteristics of organicmatter in lagoonal sediments from the Great Barrier Reef. Geochem. J. 35, 385-401 (2001). |
Yamano, H., Kayanne, H., and Yonekura, N.: Anatomy of a modern coral reef flat: a recorder of storms and uplift in the late Holocene. J. Sedimentary Res., 71, 295-304 (2001). |
堀 和明・茅根 創:琉球列島中・南部の島棚地形の特徴とその形成過程について.地理学評論,73,161-181(2000). |
Yamano, H., Kayanne, H., Yonekura, N. and Kudo, K.: 21-year changes of backreef coral distribution: causes and significance. J. Coastal Res., 16, 99-110 (2000). |
茅根 創・波利井佐紀・山野博哉・田村正行・井手陽一・秋元不二雄:琉球列島石垣島白保・川平の定測線における1998年白化前後の造礁サンゴ群集被度変化.Galaxea JCRS., 1, 73-82(1999). |
Hata, H., Suzuki, A., Maruyama, T., Kurano, N., Miyachi, S., Ikeda, Y. and Kayanne., H.: Carbon flux by suspended and sinking particles around the barrier reef of Palau, western Pacific. Limnol. Oceanogr., 43, 1883-1893 (1998). |
Yamano, H., Kayanne, H., Yonekura, N., Nakamura, H. and Kudo, K.: Water circulation in a fringing reef located in a monsoon area: Kabira Reef, Ishigaki Island, Southwest Japan. Coral Reefs, 17, 89-99 (1998). |
Yamamuro, M. and Kayanne, H.: Dissolved organic nitrogen flux from coral colonies and calcareous sandy sediment. Galaxea, 13, 197-205 (1997). |
山本正伸・山室真澄・茅根 創:パラオ諸島サンゴ礁堆積物の元素・脂質組成.地質調査所月報,48, 79-92 (1997). |
Kayanne, H.: Coral reefs and carbon dioxide. Science, 271, 1299-1300 (1996). |
Kayanne, H., Suzuki, A. and Saito, H.: Diurnal changes in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in coral reef water. Science, 269, 214-216 (1995). [別刷り添付] |
Suzuki, A., Nakamori, T. and Kayanne, H.: The mechanism of production enhancement in coral reef carbonate systems: model and empirical results. Sedimentary. Geol., 99, 259-280 (1995). |
Saito, H., Tamura, N., Kitano, H, Mito, A., Takahashi, C., Suzuki, A. and Kayanne, H.: A compact seawater pCO2 measurement system with membrane equilibrator and nondispersive infrared gas analyzer. Deep Sea Res., 42, 2025-2033 (1995). |
Yamamuro, M., Minagawa, M. and Kayanne, H.: Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of primary producers in coral reef ecosystems. Limnol. Oceanogr., 40, 617-621 (1995). |
Yamamuro, M. and Kayanne, H.: Rapid direct determination of organic carbon and nitrogen in carbonate-bearing sediments with a Yanaco MT-5 CHN analyzer. Limnol. Oceanogr., 40, 1001-1005 (1995). |
川幡穂高・氏家 宏・江口暢久・西村 昭・田中裕一郎・池原 研・山崎俊嗣・井岡 昇・茅根 創: 西カロリン海盆における過去30万年間の有機炭素および無機炭素沈積流量の変遷.第四紀研究,33, 19-29 (1994). |
Yonekura, N., Kayanne, H., Matsumoto, E., Ishii, T., Matsushima, Y., Hori, N. and Nakai, T.: Geomorphic development of modern fringing reefs of Yoron Island, Ryukyu Arc, Japan. The Quaternary Res. (Dai-Yonki Kenkyu)., 33, 67-79 (1994). |
茅根 創: 後氷期のサンゴ礁への炭酸カルシウム堆積速度.地球化学,27,37-42(1993). |
Kayanne, H., Ishii, T., Matsumoto, E. and Yonekura, N.: Late Holocene sea-level change on Rota and Guam, Mariana Islands, and its constraint on geophysical predictions. Quaternary Res., 40, 189-200 (1993). |
茅根 創: 房総半島富津砂州の形成に伴う完新世の貝類群集の変遷.第四紀研究,30,265-280 (1991). |
斎藤文紀・茅根 創: 富津州及び周辺海域の地形・堆積物とその変化.堆積学研究会報,34, 135-138(1991). |
Kayanne, H. and Miyachi. S.: The role of calcifying organisms in the global CO2 cycle. Biofutur, No.106, 76-78 (1991). |
Miyata, T., Maeda, Y., Matsumoto, E., Matsushima, Y.. Rodda, P., Sugimura, A. and Kayanne, H.: Evidence for a Holocene high sea-level stand, Vanua Levu, Fiji. Quaternary Res., 33, 352-359 (1990). |
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